Myofascial release is a safe, hands-on, extremely successful, whole-body treatment technique that involves gentle, slow, sustained compression and elongation of the connective tissue, or fascia.
Fascia, the largest organ in the body, also known as the living matrix, is an elastocollagenous tissue that runs uninterrupted from head to toe. It is a densely woven three-dimensional web surrounding, supporting and protecting every organ, muscle, bone, nerve, blood vessel and cell of the body. Each part of the body is interconnected to each other through the fascial web, and can influence all other systems of the body - down to the cellular level.
Under healthy circumstances, fascia is relaxed and able to stretch and glide in response to physical demands and the forces of nature. However, fascia becomes solidified with repeated inflammatory responses, injury, illness, stress, emotional and physical trauma, overuse, poor posture, disease, scar tissue, surgery or even from aging. This will cause fascia to shorten, thicken, become stuck and twist according to the pattern of strain to which the body is subjected. This contributes to poor posture, restricted motion, numbness, tingling, and pain all over the body.
Many people with fascial restrictions are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed because standard tests such as X-rays, CAT and MRI scans, myelograms, electromyography, etc. do not detect myofascial restrictions.
Like a “pull” in a sweater, the effects of ongoing tension and strain are thought to build over time. There are multiple layers of fascia, oriented in various directions and density. it takes intuitive skill and training to effectively untangle, release, relax and realign these areas.
MFR therapy can help restore your internal awareness and release your fascial communication system to work effectively throughout your whole body. Once the fascial restriction is released and pressure is relieved, the body structure can start returning to its normal and efficient state of function, increasing the body’s sense of peace and wellness and allowing you to live your life to the fullest.
Unlike other modalities and medicine that temporarily relieves only the symptoms, individualized MFR treatments take into account the whole person - mind, body and Spirit - to address the root cause of the pain and dysfunction, providing lasting relief.
The journey to your healing through MFR is a partnership. We work together to encourage your body and its wisdom to step into what it was created to do. Sometimes you will be encouraged to lay still and feel into your body, other times you will be encouraged to do active stretches to maximize the work on the fascial system. along with other positive changes, The release of the tissue allows for new neural pathways to be created thus moving through the healing process. MFR facilitates this healing process with compassionate touch in a loving and supportive environment, allowing your body to self-correct.
It’s time to take back the reigns of your life and get back on the road to build a life you love!
Myofascial release is most effectively done as a treatment program with a frequency of one to three times per week for several weeks. This allows the tissues to release, your body to move back into proper alignment and for you to understand proper techniques for continued improvement and maintenance.
Start your journey to LIVE FREE today!